



A laptop on a desk

Hi. I'm Mike Russell

Welcome to my portfolio

Hi. I'm Mike Russell

Welcome to my portfolio


I enjoy working with data, especially since today there are more tools than ever to make this work effective and fast. Some tools I use are machine learning algorithms, Pandas, Numpy, Sklearn, and many others which allow me to competently assess data and discover helpful trends and patterns which are can lend powerful predictors and useful insights. My Master's thesis entailed an in-depth and demonstrative study comparing feature-engineering techniques applied on unstructured, natural text data. My passion is in cleaning, sorting, and finding order in data—which we have plenty of owing to the continually increasing storage capacities of technology. Among many skills and lessons I've learned, one of the most valuable is my experience solving hard problems. Whether it has to do with math, huge data, organization, etc., I'm confident in my ability to find a solution and learn whatever I need to learn to accomplish the task.

Picture of me

Languages & Fluency

MIPS Assembly
x86 Assembly


Technology Description

Scikit Learn

I've used Sklearn's libraries for data preprocessing, classification, feature elimination, and much more.


Pandas libraries are a Data Scientist's best friend. I am fluent in using this library for DataFrames, Series, and their built-in functions.


Numpy is an Immensely helpful library for useful data structures and mathematical functions for arrays. I use this tool in almost every Data Science project I work on.


spaCy offers natural language processing tools for huge data at incredible speeds. Their libraries include preprocessing tools and even pre-trained pipelines for processing and classification of text including linguistic features like entity recognition, part-of-speech identification, and syntactical dependency visualization.


Natural Language Toolkit offers tools similar to spaCy. When paired with Sklearn's classification tools, NLTK can be a very powerful and helpful tool in natural language processing.


Matplotlib is the best visualization tool for charting, plotting, and graphing. I use it in every notebook to help provide asthetically pleasing visuals to depict data and results.


Jupyter notebooks offer a clean solution to python projects, especially data science ones. Organizations like Google offer Jupyter-styled notebooks on Kaggle and Google Colabs because of the clean and well-organized structure they offer.

Problem Solving

As a Computer Science major and one who has professional experience in development, I have had my share of tough problems. I am determined and passionate in finding solutions to problems in creative, clever ways.

Where What When

Hill Air Force Base - SMXG

Computer Science Internship. As a member of a Scrum team I worked on several projects including developing websites, redoing websites, building 3D-animations using Blender, and more. July 2018 - current

Blossomtree Software

I worked as a member of a small team developing a mobile app from the ground-up. This involved brainstorming app ideas, writing mock-ups, wire-frames, developing back-end databases using Amazon Web Services, developing front-end interface, and integration. April 2018 - July 2018

My Bio

I've grown up in Utah and now live here with my family. Primarily, I'm a dad and a husband, but I also have a long list of hobbies and passions from mountain biking and rock climbing to piano and video games. I love learning and trying new things. I'm not afraid of challenges, in fact, I thrive in them.

Family. Image from flaticon.com Piano keyboard. Image from flaticon.com Book. Image from flaticon.com Gamepad. Image from flaticon.com

Here's My Resume


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